Monday, February 7, 2011

Who Let the Monkey in the Back Seat?

Today's Car Ride to the Grocery Store:
From Burger King to Bananas
Today was a bit of a hectic sort of day. Everyone at home is sick to some degree. I, myself, slept in until 8 AM and had to force myself out of bed. Surprisingly, I discovered that my husband called in sick to work today so that I could sleep in a little and he could take it easy and try to get over his cold.

Sick or not, we still had to eat and bathe and such, so I still had to go make the weekly run to the market.  After deciding on a divide and conquer scenario for the shopping trip, I loaded the 2-yr old in my car and left the other girls at home with Daddy.  Since I coupon, my shopping trips take about 3 hours, door to door.  In order to maintain my sanity, I went through a drive-thru to get the little hungry 2-yr old a burger.  (Actually, the girl can eat, so I got her a $1 double burger.)

I carefully peeled back the wrapper just so and handed the burger back to her, and off I drove, down the street to get on the interstate. 

Things were quiet for a few minutes... about ten.. then, I started hearing some ooh ooh ah ah sounds. I peeked in the rear-view mirror and saw my little girl quietly making sounds to herself. She would "ooh ooh, ah ah" down at her burger in her hands. She would "ooh ooh, ah ah" at the window. Finally, she "ooh ooh, ah ah" at the front seat and caught me glancing at her.

She smiled.  "I a MONKEY, mama!"  Then, she "ooh ooh, ah ah" at me.  I found it charming and was trying to piece together her little train of thought that made her make monkey sounds in my backseat just out of the blue.

Then, she says, "This is my banana, see?" She proceeded to demonstrate peeling the burger wrapper down away from part of the burger and then taking a quick bite like she was a monkey peeling a banana.

Ah, I love how the brain of a 2 yr old works! So magical. And, a constant source of amusement. 

Ooh Ooh, Ah Ah indeed. 

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