Monday, January 31, 2011

You Know What Kind Of Day I Am Having When The Kids Have Taken 3 Baths By Noon

Or, Alternatively Titled:
Poopzilla Strikes Again
Don't get me wrong, I love writing this blog. BUT, "quiet time" today was supposed to go to clipping and organizing hundreds of coupons, and maybe finishing the 10 gabillion loads of laundry I have to fold and put away. You know, everyday SAHM stuff. 

Today, I am using the quiet time to take a break, drink Diet Pepsi, eat some Harry and David almonds, and blog.
This morning I awoke to my 2 year old screaming in her bed, "I AM A BIG GIRL! I AM A BIG GIRL!".  This can only mean one thing: somehow, in spite of the Pull Ups, she has managed to have an accident all over her self, her sheets, her bed.  Thus, bubble bath number one. Only, you can't just give one girl a bubble bath. All the girls want one if one girl is getting one. So, 20 minutes later, I had 3 squeaky clean kids and a load of clothes/bedding in the wash.  No, I know how the sentence reads. I did NOT put the squeaky clean kids in the wash. That would be cool if I could.

Then, my lovely husband whom I adore and only tries to make things easier on me.. remember the post about how he handled "passing gas" issues with my 5 yr old?...  He comes home for an early lunch and says, "I know it is overcast and muddy outside, but it is supposed to really storm bad starting tomorrow. It might be your only chance to get the kids' energy out."   So, out they went, and when they came back inside, they had bubble bath number 2.

Every time I get the kids out of the tub, it is the same story. I have to chase them around, dry them off, get them dressed. It takes a good 15 minutes to accomplish this. By this point, it was clear the baby and the 2 yr old really needed to go down for a nap. So, I told the 2 yr old to go potty while I put the towels up to dry. I draped them over the shower rod, and the shower rod just collapsed.  Half of the curtain hooks went into the pee filled toilet. The 2 yr old, who was standing in the bathroom doorway when this happened, started screaming in terror (naptime, remember?).  Part of my cloth shower curtain was soaked in toilet water, too. So, I sigh and fish the hooks out of the toilet and put them in the sink to sanitize. Then, I take the shower curtain to the wash.  Then, I come back to the bathroom and realized the tub isn't drained yet. It still is piled high with unpopped bubbles. 

I fish my hand towards the drain to pull off a washcloth. These constantly get forgotten in the tub. I am always having to pull them out so the tub can drain. Only, I didn't fish out a washcloth. I fished out part of a big long "log". Ack! Poopzilla, aka the baby, has gotten sneaky.  

This meant that I had to get all three girls BACK INTO THE SHOWER! They could have poop bits all in their wet hair, for pete's sake!! AND, I had to get them a whole NEW set of clothes to put on. So, now I have even MORE laundry to do... all those poop water soaked towels, the clothes I had just put on them (bc poop water was still dripping from their hair.. better to be safe than sorry, right?)

UGH. I had to scrub that bathroom too. AND, I threw out EVERY toy that was in the tub.  (that's the good thing about the stockpile of bath related toy gifts we get as presents all year...) The 5 yr old was like "Poop? In the tub? Where??! Oh! I see it! Look at that long turd log! Gross!"  

Yeah. Three baths/showers and several changes of clothing later, here I am blogging about it.. Oh, AND! When I went to get the latest batch of wet towels from the bathroom floor, I discovered where the baby peed on the floor too. Great.  I REALLY need to do that laundry now.


  1. Oh, no. I, um... think I have to work late tonight? Have fun!

  2. I swear, your household would make an awesome reality tv program! Btw, this is Velma. Not anonymous!
