Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Have a Few Reputations.. This One Took Me By Surprise...

Have I Taken My Love of Bargaining and Bartering Too Far?

One of the ways I help my family out as a Stay At Home Mom is that I am always looking for a way to earn money for the family from home.  I buy things for resale purposes on Ebay and in my yard sales, etc. I also look at what's trending around town and figure out how to make certain items for selling... deluxe hair bows, diaper cakes, bridal shower towel cakes, diaper wreaths, baby washcloth lollipops, etc.. all very cute!

And I am pretty good at selling things and sweet talking folks, if I do say so myself.  Which is a skill that comes in handy as a SAHM! I remember one recent trip to a local restaurant where they were out of fried pickles. (how does that happen, right??!)  I very sweetly spoke with the owner and by the end of the conversation, I had him convinced it was his idea to send his unhappy about it wife to the store to go buy more pickles for us.  When she came back, in a terrible mood I might add, I had a quiet conversation with her. By the end of THAT conversation, not only was she totally pleased to have gone to get our pickles, but she was also handing out free dessert to my party of 5! :)

Anyway.. Back to the story at hand:

Well, I was visiting my mom recently and one of her best friends happens to be a good friend of mine. He was hanging out with us, and we were all discussing my upcoming yard sale.

He was joking with us and stated that he could just see a browser coming up to me holding a shirt and saying "do you have this in the next size up?" and looking at my kid.  Then, he made a comment about how he could just see me telling my child to take their shirt off and hand it to the shopper.... My mom and I exchanged a look and the room fell into an awkward silence as our friend stopped laughing and said "NO WAY! You would not do that? Oh my God! You so totally would! Wouldn't you??!!"

Ok, the truth is that I would NOT have my kid take their clothes off so I could sell them... but we got quiet before we started laughing too.. because the truth isn't too far behind that... I have had browsers make a comment along the lines of "if only you had 2 of these toys so my kids wouldn't fight over them, I would buy both of them.. With only one, I can't just buy one..." And I have then dashed in my house real quick-like and pulled the matching item out of my secret Christmas toy stash and brought it out to the customer!!! I figure, hey! Either the kids will never know the difference, or I can use the profit from the sale to either replace or buy something better in the place of that particular item....

That's not the same as pulling clothes off my kids to make a buck, right?? That's just smart business practice, right right??

Good times.

But really. My kids are totally spoiled at Christmas either way! Ha!

Selling the shirts off their backs, indeed. What do you all take me for!

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