Sunday, January 16, 2011

Three Girls. What was I thinking?

The Beginning
My husband and I have traditional root values, even though we go about life in some unconventional manners. We met in college at a Skeptic's Society club meeting. He announced his presence to the group by walking in and loudly proclaiming the need for cute, single girl club members. I piped up, and the rest was history. In a move very unlike my cautious manner, I moved in with him on the first date. Six months later, we were engaged. 4 months later, we were married in a lovely backyard ceremony... by a Buddhist minister. It stunned our friends, and lots of broken-hearted girls (my husband was a bit of a ladies' man before I came along). And, it got folks to talking. And counting. And watching me to see if I started to get really, really fat.

But, we were not pregnant. Just in love. Our first baby was born a year and a half after we got married. It was a girl. And she was such the lovely apple in our eyes that we decided to try for baby number 2. Our lovely first daughter met her little sister a few months after she turned 2 yrs old.

Life was beautiful and very full. Our family felt complete. Sure, there were a few hiccups from time to time. Such as when the two year old came to me in a panic. "It won't come out!" What won't come out? "The booger! It is stuck in her EAR!" (lots of panic and crying coming from the two year old at this point, as she had obviously stuck a booger in the 2 week old baby's ear"

That moment was a warning sign, a pre-cursor to what was to come. I knew my life would be full of laughter and hysterics. It would be a rich life.

Then, that baby turned nine months old. And I kept losing my baby weight. I was getting very skinny. But, all of a sudden, my skinny jeans refused to button. I stepped on the scale. Yep, still losing weight. So, what would cause me to lose weight and still not be able to wear my clothes? Oh, No. "Yep," a friend told me on the phone, "You are sooo pregnant." So, I took a test... you know.. just to shut her up. Only, the test was a reject, obviously. They swapped the control and test lines, obviously. Because the first line lit up bright and clear. oh no.. the second line lit up bright too! I was totally pregnant again.

All I could do was scream out one loud explicative. (my pregnancies are hard and the deliveries are not easy. I stay sick the whole time, and the doctor that did the second delivery botched it so bad, I was just barely recovered, nine months later. And I had been "careful"). My now 3 yr old comes up to me, seeing me sob my heart out, and says "It's ok, Mommy. I love you. Do you need a Happy Meal? Let's go to Mc Donald's".

My husband just laughed. Several months later, our THIRD daughter was born. And the kicker is that she is so lovely and wonderful, just like our other two girls! Our family was incomplete until she came along, even if we didn't know it.

So, now we are a family of 5. I love it. It is stressful and crazy. My stories surprise even me at times. But, here we are.
And, here I am. I am SAHM. Welcome to the first of many posts on my blog.

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