Monday, January 24, 2011

The Cuter my Kids Look, The Uglier Their Behavior Has Been

If You See Boutique Bows in My Kids' Hair, Beware.
They Have Probably Been Unholy Terrors That Day.

Just a short and simple post to get your Monday started, hopefully, with a smile. If that doesn't work, go grab a brush and a hairbow.

See, my girls are angels. They are sweet, smart, loving, and pretty. Some days, however, all Hell breaks loose and it is one tantrum after another. These days there is enough back talk, and hitting of the siblings, and screaming going on to make me want to lose my mind.

It gets very tempting to just start screaming back at them and find out how they like doors slammed in their faces for a change.

But I don't do that. Instead, when my girls are being their most challenging, I force them into cute, sweet looking outfits and brush their hair. I give them darling little hair styles and put large poofy boutique bows in their hair. Seem like an odd way to react to the little terrors?

See, I was listening to the radio one afternoon. The John Tesh for Your Life program was on. (Hey, now, don't judge! I normally listen to Black-Eyed Peas, remember??!) He was talking about how to trick your body into releasing feel-good endorphins so that you can control you anger easier and be happier. He said that something as simple as smiling can fool your body to release these endorphins. When you are sad or mad, you are supposed to remember to smile.

When your children are screaming at you or not being good listeners, it is hard to stop and count to ten, much less remember to smile.

Hence the fancy boutique bows and extra cuteness quotient in the outfits. So that every time I look at the girls that day, I can't help smiling a little at how lovely they look. When I smile, they sometimes smile in return. It makes for a better day.

Plus, it also makes it look totally ridiculous to see such an adorable creature spread out on their tummy on the ground, pounding their fists, kicking their legs, and screaming because they couldn't have a second lolly. Instead of getting really angry at their behavior, I stay mildly angry and mildly amused.

Now, my friends will come over and immediately say "Uh Oh. Is it one of those days? Your girls are just so darned cute today!"

*Somedays they get cuted up just because.
**Most days, they have their hair brushed, but down, and wear whatever mismatched outfits their little hearts desire. They have to honor their own inner-fashionistas, of course! (In other words, they are usually really good, sweet girls!)

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