This Has to Be a Hanging Chad Issue.
A Post on the Best Sister Ever Requirements Bias.
This has been one of those prolific days for posts for the blog. Which is nice, because I plan to take the weekend off from the computer. But this was too cute.
The 5 yr old was playing her 30 minutes of Mario. (Mario Galaxy for the Wii, to be exact. And, yes, she is better at the game than I am.) Her 2 yr old sister was sitting on the couch just watching the video game. The baby was in her bed for naptime.
So, I walk by and notice how patient and calm the 2 yr old is being. It occurs to me that she is always patient for a turn at Mario when she watches Big Sister play. I remark, "That is one good sister you have there."
The 5 yr old turns to me and says, "I know. She's the BEST SISTER I have!"
I said, "Well, you have another sister."
"I know. The baby is the worst sister I have ever had."
I am a bit perplexed by this because she is loving, helpful, and protective of the baby. "Well. Why is she the best sister, and the baby is the worst?" I am pretty curious at this point.
"Well. The baby is a biter and bit my sister today."
Oh. Of COURSE! Makes total sense, right? Only not so much. The two year old is infamous for biting (we are working on it).
"Really? But both of your sisters bite."
"I know. But the baby pinches too."
Oh. Ok. I still don't get it. At this point a mom can only smile and nod. Of course. Yes, honey. Let's forget all the scuffles the older two have had.
I still am in the dark as to what makes one a favored sister over the other.
*As I make this post, the two-year old has whacked the five-year old over the head a few times with an empty laundry basket. Big sister reacted by saying "If you say you are sorry and give me a kiss, I will give you a dollar out of my Mario wallet for you to put in your monies to buy your GO GO dog."
Best Sister of the Year Award Goes to the Two-Year Old? I don't fully get that one!
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