Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Character for the Mr. Men, Little Miss Series

My 3 Year Old Loves to Be in Everyone's Business.
Today, She Came Up With a New Character for an Old Classic!
So, we are visiting friends and family right now.  I have been going super crazy dealing with the kids in new environments. They want to explore everything, get into everything, and talk everyone's ear off while they try to get all my adult friends to pay attention to them. You know, the basic joys of taking a 5 yr old, 3 yr old, and 19month old on a road trip to visit folks you don't see that often.

Today, we were chilling with a close friend of the family.  He got a phone call and my 3 yr old instantly perked up.. she wanted to know who he was talking to and why.  She said "Who's your friend? What's your friend's name? Nosy? Mama said your friend's name was Miss Nosy!"
He looked at me, I looked at him and we were both confused.. until he bust out laughing.  He "got there" quicker than I did and made the connection.  

Here's how it really went:
Our friend got the call.. and while he was talking on the phone, 

3 yr old:  Who are you talking to? Who's your friend?
Me: Miss Nosy, Hush Now!

See, I was telling my 3 yr old she was being a rude butt-insky.  She thought I was telling her that the friend's name literally was Miss Nosy.

The best part was that when our friend was done laughing, he turned to me and said, "You have GOT to I am SAHM this one!!"
I see a new character for the Mr. Men/ Little Miss series!

Monday, April 18, 2011

My 5 Yr Old is Pretty Sharp

My 5 Yr Old Pays CLOSE Attention to Everything.

I am pretty proud of my 5 yr. old. She is always soaking everything in and paying attention to all the little details.

Yesterday, the Easter Bunny made a surprise visit to our home early in the AM.  We had to rearrange the holidays due to some scheduling issues.

Upon waking to find her Easter basket, my 5 yr old says, "Oh! Is it April 24 already?? Wait. Isn't that Mom's Ebay stuff??!"

Yes, she busted us that it wasn't the real Easter. The bunny must have known we needed it a week early.  And, the Easter bunny must have gotten the basket goodies and toys from the same place that mom had gotten her Easter Ebay Inventory to sell..............


The funny part is that my husband and I have been so busy that we know Easter is this next weekend, but we were not sure the date off the top of our heads! We should have asked the 5 yr old.

Also, I am pretty proud of how she pays attention to my couponing and deal seeking.  Today, she spent that last of a $50 gift certificate to Target that she has had for almost 6 months.  She waited patiently for deals and coupons. What did she get for $50?
A Mario (pink) rolling backpack, a Yoshi coin purse clip on, 4 Super Mario Bro Cartoon DVDS (each bought using coupons!), the Live Action Mario Movie on DVD (with John Leguizamo.. sp?),  AND a Doodle Pro Magnetic Doodler by Fisher Price, and a Pretzel from the cafe to treat herself!

This kid of mine is pretty sharp!  

Friday, April 15, 2011

I Deserve Mother of the Year Award. So Sayeth the Rainbow!

I Have Had Some Good Ideas Lately RE The Kids.
I Think This One Is The Best One.
The Rainbow Agrees!

As is the usual, the kids got up at an ungodly hour yesterday.  I was exhausted. I have had some late nights and am really starting to get annoyed at these little alarm clocks that go off about 5 AM every day.

I am not a morning person. 

I arranged my college classes to be afternoon or night classes. I was even genius enough to get most of the classes on Tues and Thurs so I could have Fri, Sat, Sun, and Mon off in a row! (well, some semesters that worked out....) 

The unfortunate part is that my husband is not a morning person either.

So, back to yesterday. Here come the alarm clocks bouncing around the room. We had managed to put them off until about 6 or so, but that is still way too early for me. And, that was AFTER we put them BACK in bed when they first got up at 5.  

I ignore the kids. Or try to. But, it is close to impossible to ignore the pinching I am getting on my leg from my husband that appears to be blissfully asleep.  Under the covers, he is trying to make my life miserable so I will get out of bed and deal with the kids.

Out of the blue, a stroke of inspiration.... I say "GO TO THE LIVING ROOM! Put your cartoons on and let Mommy sleep. IF you let me sleep in a little today and leave me alone, I will give you SKITTLES for breakfast!!!"

WHOOSH! My room cleared immediately and I got 45 whole min longer to sleep.  (Don't judge, I was desperately tired).

My husband cracked an eye and a smile when I said they could get Skittles.  

But, I have a great idea now.  I think I am going to BAN cartoons and video games on Fridays from now on.. just to get the kids to start jonesing for them.

Then, right before I go to bed Friday nights, I am going to put out some Skittles by the TV.  I figure that by the time Sat morning comes around, the kids will be desperate for Barney.  Then, they can just wake up, go turn on Barney, and sit down with their Skittles while I sleep in a little.  

I am really loving this plan.  Rot my kids brains and their teeth!  

But, a happy well rested Mommy is a big deal too, right?  AND, my kids love salad and love to read... for the record!   Also, before you say just go to bed earlier, I go to bed at a decent time most nights.  I am always tired because these three kids take turns waking up in the middle of the night (an average of 4 times we get woken up by the kids every night) and then wake up super early.

I am sure that Skittles approves my new "how to be a good and well rested Mommy" plan. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My New Ringtone

How to Get Peace When on The Phone:
I Think a New Ringtone is Needed
Just a short and sweet one today, folks. And, you can proceed and read without caution. This post is clean.

I had a great A HA! moment today. The kids were playing. They were watching tv. They were going to swing in the backyard. They had no time for me whatsoever.
Then the phone rang. It was my mom.. so I answered.

ALL OF A SUDDEN, I had three kids surrounding me, hounding me, bugging me, driving me crazy.  Just that fast. 
They can sense it. They KNOW when I am on the phone.  I started griping about it. Out of a general gripe came a stroke of genius:

"I can't believe this guys. I am on the phone and you are being rude. Leave Mommy alone. If I had called you to clean your play room or do chores, you would scatter.  Leave Mommy... hey.. now that's an idea..."
So, my new ringtone is going to be me calling to them in my best nagging mother voice:

"Girls! Come HERE RIGHT NOW!  Your playroom is a total wreck! Go clean it. And when you are done, go organize the pile of shoes in the laundry room!!!"
I am now guaranteed at least 15 min of them leaving me alone to hide from my chore requests before they catch on to me being on the phone..   The only thing is that my kids are really smart.  So, I am going to have to change my ring tone frequently with different words and tones and intonations.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This Blog Needs a ReName

The Poop Chronicles of a One and a Half Year Old
Or, Why I am Glad I Coupon for All My Free Soap and Disinfectants.
I know, I know. ANOTHER POST about baby poop. SO SORRY! Don't Read it if you are squeamish. This one is the worst, yet.  I was thrilled to PIECES that this story happened out of town while visiting friends and family. (note the sarcasm)

One such friend is childless. I am sure I reinforced why during our visit last week. 
Last week, maybe due to traveling, who knows.. but last week, our soon to not be a baby 18month old had bad tummy problems. She went 6 days before she had a productive.. movement.  I tried all the tricks in the book to help her out... juice, watermelon, lots of water, milk (she has my lactose intolerance), and even the q-tip and vaseline trick...I am sure it is exactly what you are thinking it is... you know..  like taking their temperature.....if you can help stuff get started on its way out, sometimes that is all it takes... going in and getting a little out... usually, with my other two, that particular trick resolved the original problem within about 2 minutes.... no such luck this time. All it did was traumatize the baby... poor thing!!!!

So, I decided not to try that one again. I knew that I had one option left before having to take her to the dr... Baby Pedialax. AND! It was CHOCOLATE Flavor! I was desperate. My baby was crying and sometimes screaming in pain on regular intervals. We would be out in public, and she would walk up to me, pulling her shirt over her head, and crying "MAMA! PLEE!  POOP! HELP! PLEE!!"  But nothing would happen other than she cried.

So I gave her a dose and a half.

Her tummy gurgled all night long. I know this because she got into bed with me the third time she cried in fifteen minutes.  It was a fitful night. 

Finally, at about 7 am, she stood on the bed and her face got red. She said "POOP!" and I heard her diaper get loaded. HOORAY!


Only, we were not at our house, but in the guest room of the family and friends we were visiting.  (A family member who rents a room out to a friend...)  So, I made a quick decision NOT to change the baby on the bed or the floor, but to change her on the fold out Princess foam sofa that our family bought for when my kids visit. This thing has been great for 5 yrs.  And, it had a zip off slip cover just in case.. desperate times and all that.

So, I lay the baby down and start to change her diaper. Only, in the middle of taking her diaper off, she looks to the right and sees the vaseline and goes into melt down panic PTSD mode.  I tried to calm her and reassure her that I was NOT going to do that again.. that she had gone potty and I just needed to wipe her.  At 18 months she was having none of that. SO, she stood up. OF COURSE!

And, since I had just woken up, I had a night shirt and under things on. When she stood up, she pushed the dirty diaper right into my lap with her foot. Poo all over my legs and lap and well you get the point.  Then, while I was trying to wrangle her, she reached behind her saying "POOP! POOP! HELP!" and tried to get the poop off her herself. And got it on her hand, in her hair, on her clothes, in my hair, just everywhere. Then, she got still.

Thank Goodness. 

Only Not.

Round TWO of POOP landed right on me and the Princess sofa.

I was just shocked. At this point, our family member came in to check on us. She saw the situation and started to try to help. I sent her away. I mean.. no sense in her getting covered too. She went to make sure I could keep my modesty in tact while I ran half naked to the shower with a naked poop covered baby. She got our friend to go lock themselves in their room for a few moments so we could dash.

Once in the shower, we had to borrow a bar of soap and use it places even soap shouldn't go. Several scrubbings and wiping of the tub down later, I was finally ready to step out of the shower and dry off so I could then get the baby out.  She likes to sit in the spray and play.  She started playing with a toy. Only, there weren't any toys around. Yep. You guessed it.

Round THREE.

So, I wipe the tub down and start cleaning her again. 

She peed on my foot.

Round FOUR.

Finally, after a hundred hours later, we were both clean, disinfected, scrubbed, and dressed. And the baby was thoroughly diapered.

And the tub and shower was disinfected, rinsed, wiped down, and scrubbed again. 

Oh, and that bar of soap went into the trash. Guess I will be couponing for a replacement! :)

It really really is one of those hilarious situations in hindsight.  And, the baby was supposed to spend some time in a baby nursery that day so I could take a nap. I was sooo tempted to send her along and let others deal with the poop for the day... but I felt too guilty about thinking about doing that. So I kept her home and took her to Shoney's to eat free at the breakfast bar. 

After all, she had about 10 lbs to regain.